7 min readJun 26, 2022

SkyBOSS aren’t just “another ordinary NFT game”. From the very beginning, we’ve strived to position SKYBOSS differently: Sustainable Game-conomy. In this article, we will answer all the frequently questioned answers from SKYBOSS’s community about the way we’ve been building and maintaining the sustainable in-game economy in Skyboss.

1st Question: What are the tradable Tokens in SkyBOSS?

The SkyBOSS economy consists of the SBOSS Token and the SKYUP Token. While SBOSS functions as the governance cryptocurrency, SKYUP Token is the in-game currency being used to upgrade NFTs.

The SBOSS Token is primarily used for trading NFTs on the marketplace, renewing and upgrading NFTs items. The miners can obtain SBOSS Token by engaging in combat in all game modes as rewards

SKYUP Tokens are used to improve NFTs, enabling your JET squad to become more powerful and capable for the challenges in Story mode and also to increase your win probability in Battle mode. You can directly mine SKYUP in Story Mode and Idle Mode. Notably, SKYUP is a marketable token that will be published on DEX and will be exchangeable with other tokens.

How do tokens flow in the SkyBOSS ecosystem?

First and foremost, you can convert BNB or BUSD into SBOSS Token or SKYUP Token on the DEX market. As explained previously, SBOSS Tokens can be used to buy NFT assets such as JET, Airport, and Gear, whereas SKYUP is the primary element needed to upgrade NFT items (except Airport).

When you excavate in Idle Mode, complete missions in Story Mode, or win against other players in Battle Mode, the in-game wallet will become thicker and thinker. Thereby, it takes a one more step to withdraw to your own crypto wallet (eg: metamask)

The other way to earn is to trade NFT items on marketplace. The rarer the item or the stronger the item, the more profitable it bring to the owner. In long run, when the token become hard to mine, the NFT will become the primary source of earning.

A unique advantage of the SKYBOSS economy is that we will release piece of NFTs (pNFTs) with a computed quantity for players to collect and craft a new JETbox or GEARbox. pNFT can be minted via Idle Mode and Story Mode. This allows users to not only mine tokens, but also play games and hunt for NFTs. Eventually, our aim is to provide the devoted players with different ways to earn money through the game.

How our Tokenomics look like?

100,000,000 SBOSS Tokens will be pre-mined and distributed as follows:

  • 40,000,000 SBOSS: 40% tokens are allocated for staking and in-game rewards, namely the Idle, Story and Leaderboard awards. By merging the P2E reward pool with the staking pool, we will be able to distribute and manage the in-game economy with more flexibility.
  • 20,000,000 SBOSS: Due to the substantial help and involvement of boarding advisors, this has been allocated to the development team. This quantity of tokens will be cliffed for one year representing the development team’s commitment to the game, and then vest linearly over the next year.
  • 10,000,000 SBOSS: Invest in the development of complex gaming features and blockchain technology. As a commitment to the game, this amount of tokens will be cliffed for six months and then vest linearly over the next twelve months.
  • 10,000,000 SBOSS: Invest in advertising and marketing. This pool will be linearly invested over a period of twenty months to maintain a steady budget for advertising the game and attracting new players and investors.
  • 10.000.000 SBOSS: The total number of tokens will offered exclusively for early buyers in our community through 3 rounds of crowding-fund: 1st and 2nd Community Sale and Public Sale. Notably, all rounds will be distributed 100% for community members without the join-hand of “Big Shark”.
  • 8.000.000 SBOSS: Allocated for initial liquidity. These tokens will not be withdrawn or exploited by our developers but be used to fully support the DEX liquidity. And to ensure that token scarcity wouldn’t be a problem to SkyBOSS, we will unlock 25% at TGE then vest linear in 12 months
  • 2.000.000 SBOSS: Use to support our community. All of these tokens will be dedicated to community events, such as airdrops, testnets, minigames, AMA rewards, and special seasonal events, in which our team will express the gratitude to the cherished gamers.

What is the most distinctive feature in our Tokenomic?

Two pitfalls that happened again and again among other NFT games can be avoidable in SkyBOSS: our Tokenomic can solve them out:

Pitfall 1:

Community members didn’t have chance to join early-bird token sale which usually was dominated by big “sharks”. SkyBOSS offer all 3 rounds of crowdfunding with 100% dedicated to our beloved fans, as following:

Pitfall 2:

“Shark” will withdraw their earl investment at TGE, making the price going down sustaintially. To discourage speculation from “sharks,” we will attempt to distribute the token pool to the community as equitably as feasible. In contrast, we will only give a 2x price advantage for Community Sale rounds and a smaller ROI multiplier in the early phase to keep the pool under control and prevent early token buyers from selling massively, so preventing the “pump and dump” impact.

How we prevent the P2E pool from exhaustion and unjust distribution ?

There are 2 NERF mechanisms that operate as a real-time, self-adjusted system to serve various purposes: the first is to keep the SBOSS pool under control, and the second is to ensure that devoted players are treated fairly.

NERF Function 1: control SBOSS pool

Inflation has always been a tricky puzzle for any De-FI projects. To avoid the same mistake, we have built a NERF mechanism from the precious learned lessons of the predecessors, in order to control the supply-demand of the SBOSS token market in real-time based on the remaining amount of SBOSS in the P2E pool.

In terms of the economic model’s invisible hand hypothesis, the fewer tokens left, the more difficult it is to mine, and the higher the token’s price will be. We believe this will result in a net growth in token value as tokens become scarcer over time. As a consequence, players will benefit from the game in the majority of cases, if they’ve played long enough.

The preceding graph is representative: In Idle Mode, our system will award players with SBOSS in relation to the amount of damage inflicted on enemies. The conversion ratio of impacted damage to SBOSS in the early stage is 0.00000015%. As the available tokens in the P2E pool decrease over time, this ratio will likewise decrease proportionally, as determined by the algorithm.

NERF Function 2: Assure fair distribution

As pointed out previously, the Skyboss universe strives to equalize the rewards between the early adopters and the latecomers despite the early adopters’ considerable advantage. This is part of the Skyboss project’s long-term plan to delight early committed players and motivate newbies to keep trying. The ultimate objective is to convert devoted gamers from token miners to NFT collectors, which not only enables them to earn a lot of money but also stabilizes the Skyboss ecosystem.

This second nerf function rests on fundamental philosophy: the greater the ROI of users, the less SBOSS that can be mined and the more NFT items that can be acquired. After computing the ROI (Token mined/Token invested) in Idle Mode, we will reallocate the following reward types: According to the NERF Function, the percentage of SBOSS Token from in-game rewards will drop as the ROI rises, while the percentages of NFT goods and SKYUP token will rise.

Thus, acquiring and selling NFTs items on the market will be a crucial approach for achieving a high, sustainable ROI. We ensure that you may continue to profit even if you exceed the maximum ROI cap.

That’s everything you need to know about the token flow inside of SkyBOSS.

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